Attached to this post is an HGIS project file suitable for performing analysis on the Phoenix Indian School site using GIS. The project file is in the QGIS format and can be opened using the open source QGIS software. The project file covers the time period from 1895 to 1990 and examines changing land use over time driven by changing federal priorities. The project file was created by Daniel Milowski.
Category: Maps
Another HGIS Project File
Attached to this post is an HGIS project file suitable for performing analysis on the Phoenix Indian School site using GIS. The project file is in the QGIS format and can be opened using the open source QGIS software. The project file was created by Adam Tubbs.
Link to Historic Map Collection
Here is a link to a collection of historical maps of the Phoenix Indian School. The collection covers the period from 1891 to 1990 and contains links to maps and other primary data documents about the site.
HGIS Project File
Attached to this post is an HGIS project file suitable for performing analysis on the Phoenix Indian School site using GIS. The project file is in the QGIS format and can be opened using the open source QGIS software. The project file covers the time period from 1930 to 1979 and includes aerial photography layers. The project file was created by Michael Embry.
Here is a link to the QGIS project file: Final Map Project.qgs
Land Use Changes from 1891 to 1990
Attached is a historical map analysis of the Phoenix Indian School charting the changing land use at the school over time. The analysis consists of a series of layered maps with accompanying historical interpretation. The period covered in the document is 1891 to 1990. The maps and analysis was created by Angela Hernandez.
Here is a link to the document: Angela_Hernandez_Map_Analysis.pdf
An Analysis of Changing Federal Priorities
Here is a historical map analysis of the Phoenix Indian School consisting of a series of multi-layered maps with historical interpretation analyzing how changing federal priorities drove changes in land use at the Phoenix Indian School site over time. The period covered in the document is 1895 to 1990. This series of maps and analysis was created by Daniel Milowski and used original shape files created by Felicia Brand.
Three Aerial View Maps of the Phoenix Indian School

Phoenix Indian School Maps 1895 to 1997
Here is a historical map analysis of the Phoenix Indian School consisting of a series of layered maps with historical interpretation for land use at the school over time. The period covered in the document is 1895 to 1997. This map and analysis was created by Felicia Brand.
Here is a link to the document: Phoenix Indian School Maps Interpretation 1895 to 1997.pdf
Phoenix Indian School Mapped from the Air
Here is a historical map analysis of the Phoenix Indian School showing changes from 1930 through 1979 using aerial photography. This map and analysis was created by Michael Embry.
Here is a link to the document in PDF format: Phoenix-Indian-School_1930-1949-1979.pdf